ALSO visit the Testimonial Page for more photos and stories.
We are one of the few companies that are willing and able to use your antlers to construct a beautiful balanced antler lighting fixture. Choose a style, shape, or size you would like and we’ll work toward that using your antlers and ours if necessary. Any unused antlers will be sent back to you. Contact us for more information on how you can preserve your memories by allowing us to create a custom chandelier or light fixture from your own antlers. (see Testimonials)
Grandpa’s antler collection
This is the Grand Finally for Grandpa’s antler collection. All the shed antlers in this chandelier and candelabras were collected by Maggie’s grandfather.
It took a number of months working with Maggie to create this spectacular surprise for her parents with the perfect custom gift crafted from Grandpa’s sheds.
The height of the ceiling was high so Ragged Mountain suggested doubling-up and overlapping their whitetail antlers to get the necessary size and height.
Maggie wrote, “The chandelier looks amazing, they were so blown away with the craftsmanship and loved that my grandfather’s name was carved into one of the antlers”. 12/25/2019

We started the process after receiving two huge boxes (over 60 pounds) of beautiful whitetail antlers.
We decided with Maggie on a style. Ragged Mountain picked out the best antlers to meet that concept. You will notice two antlers in this photo that were tagged with gold leaves. Those antlers had a special personal meaning and Maggie wanted them to be included and they were.

We started with the base. We chose and laid out the best antlers on the floor. Now we have a pretty good idea of what will work and the direction the chandelier will flow.
The base is the most important part for structural integrity and visual impact. You may notice in all our products, all the antlers are inter-connected. There is no shortcut. There is no “template”.
Our impact comes from 30 years of artistic experience and doing what works. We construct a chandelier that we would proudly hang in our own home.

Master craftsmanship is the art and experience of putting it all together every time.
This photo demonstrates how all the antlers are securely locked together with countersunk screws. Those screws will later be concealed with spackle and painted to be “invisible”.
In the background there are more of Maggie’s antlers that we will be choosing from. Like a jigsaw puzzle, each antler has to naturally “fit” the specific spot in the overall design.
(The gold leaves are the specially marked antlers we needed to include)

Notice the unique peak and the twist of antlers wrapping around the chain.
The chandelier is sweeping in proportion and looks fabulous. Balance and design, created from 2 boxes of old antlers.
Maggie wrote, “The chandelier is beautiful!! Even more impressive in person than in pictures. I love it and can’t wait to give it to my parents. ….. Everything you created is just perfect. …. I can’t say thank you enough!” 11/8/2019
Ragged Mountain wants to thank Maggie for trusting us with her family “Heirloom” antler collection. She sent all that she had so we had plenty of beautiful antlers to choose from and it showed in the end masterpiece. (We did send back the un-used ones.) Maggie was a helpful participant in this process and was willing to give us the artistic expression that was so valuable. Thank you Maggie.
This video says, “the thousand words in one picture”. What would you say? Graceful, Flowing, Beautiful, Amazing.
I would like to point out how the lights are straight from every angle and the gentle swirl in the top is secured with four screwed connections. You will also be mindful of straight lights from now on.
Ragged Mountain wants to give Maggie a big THANK YOU, for it was a memorable project for all of us.
Jeanne, Anji, and Team
Larry’s Fix
Larry wrote to us on 5/1/2018 after purchasing an antler chandelier off the internet and seeing it was not usable. The antlers were real but there was no quality or craftsmanship.
The first photo (pictured below) demonstrated the lack of any attempt to match color or even any attention to detail. Larry tried to salvage the antlers; he dismantled the chandelier and sent the antlers to us to see if we could reuse some of them and create a usable chandelier for his new home.

Larry wrote 5/1/18, “I, like a dope, purchased an antler chandelier online. I disassembled it in an effort to recreate something usable. It was simply not going to happen. The antlers were crudely assembled, wrong screws and a sick job of concealing them also it would not hang level and the lamps were askew. Did I mention I was a dope? Help!”
Ragged Mountain said YES! We then configured a completely different shape, added more lights and included some of our own antlers to make it something we would be proud to hang in our own home.
On 6/28/18 Larry wrote, “Fabulous, even better in real life… is truly a treasure and will remain so from the beginning to its installation today. This is a piece of ART. Thank you so MUCH!”
Larry’s New Chandelier!
The Caribou Charlie Chandelier
This is our newest Custom Caribou Antler Chandelier built for Charlie with antlers he provided to us from Alaska. Ragged Mtn. is one of the few companies with experienced crafters that can successfully work with a client’s own antlers and turn out a magnificent centerpiece chandelier.
Notice the bottom tines and how they beautifully mesh. It measured 5 feet across. Charlie sent us three sets of uniquely shaped antlers that he had hand-selected in Alaska. We returned to him an unbelievably gorgeous chandelier.
Thank you Charlie you can send us antlers anytime.
BEFORE: Charlie’s box of antlers:

AFTER – The Caribou Charlie Chandelier